All registrations submitted to Eurhythmics Dance Studio, Inc. must include the first and last payment,
all registration fees and the signed waiver at the time of registration.
If this is not received, your dancer’s spot will not be held.
Cancellation Policy
Cancellation notices or withdrawing from a class will not be accepted over the telephone. All
cancellations must be submitted in writing or emailed with 30 days notice.
Cancellations will not be accepted after December 1st.
Please refer to our terms and conditions when registering for more information.
NSF Cheques
There will be a $30.00 charge for any NSF cheques
Dance Attire
All dancers of Eurhythmics Dance Studio must follow the dress code set out for all classes. This includes proper hair for all classes (classical bun for all ballet classes) Instructors reserve the right to dismiss a dancer that is not dressed or prepared for their lessons at any time.
Only parents/guardians must contact the studio and leave a message if they are unable to attend a class for any reason (403) 932-0880. This is to inform your instructor and also give your instructor the opportunity to inform you of any important news or information that you may miss during your absence.
R.A.D Exams
Dancers participating in the R.A.D Examinations are chosen to participate at the sole discretion of the instructor. Examinations are scheduled and held by the Royal Academy of Dance. Primary Levels up to Intermediate Levels are held at the studio and higher grades are commonly held at a “hosting” studio in Calgary. Once dancers receive their acceptance notice of examination they may chose whether to participate or not. Fees will be collected prior to the due dates set by the R.A.D. It is highly recommended that if your dancer is ready to participate in an examination that they take full advantage as they are examined by a highly qualified examiner of the Royal Academy of Dance. They receive a report of progress,a certificate of acheivement/accomplishment, and a student ID number which allows the Royal Academy of Dance to keep a record of your dancer. At higher levels, dancers are given the opportunity to become a member of the R.A.D as well as a possibility to persue a teacher’s certificate and more offered through the Royal Academy.
Acrobatic Arts Examinations
Exams will be mandatory for dancers wishing to compete in Acro Levels 3 and up.
If enrolled in the Open Acro class (ages 13+) Exams are optional. However, Mock Exams/Assessments will be mandatory if the dancer wishes to compete. Exam dates and times are set forth by Acrobatic Arts and are held at the studio. Once participants receive their notice of which level their dancer will be examined in, fees will be collected prior to the due date set forth by Acrobatic Arts. Once candidates are entered into the examinations, parents will be required to sign an online waiver in order for their dancer to participate. This information will be emailed to parents of the participants. As for all examinations, certain criteria/skills in each level must be met by the dancer in order to be successful in examinations. Students will receive a list of skills that must be completed and obtained successfully prior to their participation in examinations.

to view our dance attire listing.